New Year's Resolution - Learn to Live a Life of Love

New Year's Resolution - Learn to Live a Life of Love

Hi friends!
As we head into the New Year, many of us are weary, and we are tired, we crave a fresh start and a fresh perspective. We look with hopeful hearts to what 2022 might bring. For me, it is always a prayer for healing, health, and wellness. This year, I have a hopeful heart for so many things, for myself and my loved ones, which includes all of you. This year, let us choose love, intentional and unconditional love - 1 Corinthians 13 love. My mission for building this company, (in God's own timing apparently, LOL) was and always will be, to bring people in through various ways, and to partner with our communities on a journey for learning and practicing the art of living a Life of Love (hence the name, The LOL Studio). As corny as it sounds, this is my heartfelt wish. Will you join me in a resolution to journey together as we learn to live a Life of Love? (See 1 Corinthians 13.) Let's check in with each other regularly here, to share our victories and our struggles. To encourage one another in love.
Please comment if you're in, I want to connect with you!
Wishing you a Happy New Year & a Life of Love,


Hi Kathy! I enjoyed meeting you as well, thanks so much for commenting and connecting with me. I am still learning to navigate everything and trying to squeeze more minutes into my day, but it is so nice to know I am not speaking into dead air, LOL. Your fellowship is much appreciated! ;)

Debby Henline

I met you today in Little Mountain. I could tell you were a Christian. You have a sweet spirit. I can’t wait to join you during your demonstrations. Blessings!

Kathy Cinnamond

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